Report on organizing test exams according to distant technology-based science Informatics presented

15 September 2015 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The issues of organizing test exams according to distant technology-based science Informatics presented were discussed in the meeting of Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The report was presented by Sabira Allahverdiyeva, Training -Innovation Center (TIC) acting head.  Note that the exams in Computer Science for doctoral and postgraduate students from all over the republic are held in a centralized manner at IIT of ANAS according to the order of Board of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of AR dated October 25, 2002 and December 16, 2002, as well as to the decision of Presidium of ANAS dated January 2003 and May 2003.

6036 doctoral and 8494 post graduate students took exams during 2003-2015, mentioned Sabira Allahverdiyeva. New curriculum in Science Informatics is compiled with “The Basics of algorithmization and programming”, “Computer networks”, “Database”, “Expert Systems. Knowledge database”,’The basics  of information society”, “Electronic  Science”, “Information Security, Electronic Signature, “Wikipedia and its opportunities”, “Bibliometrics,  Scientometrics, Webometrics’’ and  etc.

S.Allahverdiyeva talked about organizing test programs on the basis of distance learning technologies, and reminded a number of duties arisen from the National Strategy for the development of information society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020 approved by the order of the President Ilham Aliyev dated April 2, 2014.

The distant courses have been delivered to the doctoral and post-graduate students of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic since 2011 and of Ganja since 2014. A working group is functioning at the institute to organize distant examinations, reported noted. A number of requirements a establishing a good infrastructure, organization auditoriums equipped with modern facilities, providing security should  be fulfilled for distant  exams.  

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