The article of the institute’s researchers published in the impact factor journal

03 September 2015 - 09:15 | Important events
The article of the institute’s researchers published in the impact factor journal


The article on An unsupervised approach to generating generic summaries of documents by the Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliyev, head of the department, Dr. Ramiz Aliguliyev and Nijat Isazadeh was published in the  journal of Applied Soft Computing (impact factor: 2.810). Note that, Applied Soft Computing is the official journal of the International Federation for Soft Computing.


The article highlights a modified differential evolution to solve the optimization problem, and models document summarization as a quadratic Boolean programming problem. This model generally attempts to optimize three properties, namely, relevance; redundancy; and length.


 SNIP=2.729 (Source Normalized Impact Per Paper)



 5 illik IF=3.222

 h=66 (hirş indeksi)

 Applied Soft Computing, 2015, vol. 34, pp. 236-250.