The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS held a meeting

10 June 2015 - 16:00 | Meetings

On June 9, the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS held a meeting with the chief of the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of AR, Lieutenant-General Haydar Piriyev, chief of Military Education Department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Murad Hamidov, and Professor Panahov Tahir. The aim was to discuss the prospects of cooperation between the two institutions.

The guests got acquainted with the innovative material-technical base and the conditions created at the institute, as well as with the audiences equipped with modern technologies.

Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliyev gave detailed information to the guests about the Training Innovation Center. By the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of AR and the Presidium of ANAS since 2003, doctoral and PhD students all over the country are trained here and take exam in computer science, he said. The courses are conducted by highly skilled specialists of the institute.

The guests highly appreciated high-tech and innovative environment created at the institute for the employees in terms of increasing the efficiency and productivity.

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