X International scientific-practical conference on the "Development and implementation of modern educational technologies in the learning process" to be held 21.01.2015    14:00

X International scientific-practical conference on the "Development and implementation of modern educational technologies in the learning process" will be held on February 27, 2015, Taganrog, Russia.

The conference topics include Modern educational technology; Innovations in pedagogical education; Modern methods of training and education using ICT; Theory and methods of teaching of natural sciences and humanities; Using local and global computer networks in education; Distance Learning; Multimedia, Graphics and WEB-design; Improving the quality of training at the university in the light of the computerization of the learning process; Using ICT in the classroom at school; Using electronic diaries in high school; Problems of modernization of the two-level professional education, and etc.

 For more information visit  www.konferencii.ru.



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