Russia started the Institute for the development of the Internet March 16, 2015 | 10:25 / Conferences, assemblies

Institute for the development of the Internet (IRI) started in Russia, informs the organizers at press-conference. The Institute aims to consolidate and research industries such as Internet technologies, creation of media content and software.

The founders made RAEC (Russian Association for electronic communications) in the person of its Director Sergei Plugotarenko, ROCIT, FRIA (the Foundation for Internet development initiatives) in the person of its Director Kirill Varlamov, MCS (Media and communications Union) in the person of President Sergei Petrov and Liveinternet Director of service of the German Klimenko.

The site aims to unite the major players in the business (RAEC), startups (FRIA), private business (Liveinternet) and ordinary users (ROCIT). As noted by the Chairman of the Board ROCIT and Chairman of the state Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications Leonid Levin, tasks, Iran will be: the interaction of industry with the state of digital sovereignty (including issues of import substitution) and educational activities. Levin stressed that the Institute should become the main platform for the Internet industry.


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