US Army develops face recognition technology in the dark January 15, 2020 | 10:10 / Interesting information

The US Army is developing face recognition technology in the dark and at a distance of up to 500 m. The agency is ready to spend more than $ 4.5 million on this.

Advanced face recognition technology will read the nature of the radiated heat to identify people. This method will work in the dark and over long distances.

Face recognition is already used in the US Army to identify people on the battlefield. But existing technologies are usually based on images that shoot standard surveillance cameras, and the quality of such images does not accurately identify people.

The new system will analyze infrared images to identify a person, reports. The Army Research Laboratory previously published research in this area. Having determined that this method may have potential for further developments, she directed them to implement a specific device.

“Sensors should show good results even in difficult conditions - when a person is visible through the windshield or when the target is darkened due to bad weather, for example, during fog,” the US Army said.

The military also requires technology to be integrated into an instrument that can be easily transported. He will be able to recognize faces at a distance of 10 to 500 m and compare people with a military database.

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