Dolphin1 OceanAlpha can save people from a long distance January 08, 2020 | 12:10 / Interesting information

At the CES 2020 exhibition, the Manta5 submarine electronic bike was introduced. On the pedal device, press the paddle screw. In "Manta5" in place of the wheels are parts in the form of wings. An electronic bike can move at a speed of 21 kilometers per hour.

Dolphin1 OceanAlpha is a remotely controlled device for saving people who are at risk of drowning. Through the device, rescuers can save people's lives without risking themselves.

The Ocean car shown has a full-sized solar panel.

At the exhibition, Honda presents its virtual assistant, which can be called up with the words OK Honda.

LG Showcases VebOS Auto, an Operating System for Cars Connected to the Internet. "VebOS Auto" is based on the Smart TV system.

The Ces2020 also has a new 3D display, presented by Bosch, which does not require special glasses for the driver.

"Segway Ninebot" offers a two-wheeled car, which can be called through the application, balancing with automatic control.

According to, the French startup “Wello” offers an unusual compact three-wheeled vehicle. The device can move at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, designed for short trips.

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