Information-analytical system supporting decision-making in foreign policy based on OLAP technologies is developed October 03, 2014 | 12:07 / Conferences, assemblies

Head of department No. 16, Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Gulnara Nabibayova presented the report of the department for 9 months.

First, she spoke about the research. Information-analytical system supporting decision-making in foreign policy based on OLAP technologies was developed, the methods of fazzification of OLAP Cube dimensions were developed in order to create fuzzy polycube OLAP, she noted. The researches are conducted at the department on the following directions: development of terminological information systems, Azerbaijani language use in the virtual space, state of the arts of media-analytics, the development of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of internet-media resources.

Later the head of the department gave detailed information about the functioning of and website for last 9 months.

The report was discussed and recommendations were performed.

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