M-Block 2.0 Collective Intelligence Robots Shown in Video November 12, 2019 | 11:26 / Interesting information

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, they created M-Block 2.0 microrobots that have “collective intelligence”: they are able to collect various figures by interacting with each other, reports Naked-Science.

By their behavior, robots resemble wasps or bees: alone they lose functionality, and fully reveal their abilities when working in a "swarm". However, the main difference between M-Block 2.0 and insects is a single algorithm, which makes robots fold into certain shapes.

The special barcode helps the robot to recognize “partners”, reading information, it is attached with a magnet to another element. They move with the help of the flywheels, which are located inside. In the future, robots with a collective mind can be used, for example, to create bridges during emergencies.

Earlier it was reported that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology created a flexible robot that can "grow": this property is especially important when working in tight spaces. The robot is mounted on a chain support system: it can unfold and contract, as well as maintain balance when tilted. The machine will be able to perform tasks in any position.


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