Created a mirror trainer for home training October 09, 2019 | 11:15 / Technological innovations

The developers of the startup "Mirror" from New York shared their plans for the sale of personal training using an interactive mirror for $ 1,500. The new development can be used to convey lessons, as well as to follow training instructions.

The interactive mirror works on the principle of a regular application with training, but with the help of innovations you can conveniently learn and train at the same time. Subscribing to regular interactive sessions will cost $ 30 per month. It is noted that the developers have added the function of providing individual training. Thus, the “Mirror” will allow you to acquire a personal trainer who will show a training designed for each user personally.

At the moment, the cost of the function of a personal trainer has not been determined, but it is estimated that the price will be about $ 40 per 30 minute lesson. 

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