"Online Media 2014" competition starts September 16, 2014 | 12:06 / Important events

Since 2006, Multimedia Center holds "Information Society Journalist" program. Workshops and media competitions are held for the journalists within the framework of the program.

Within the framework of the program, the Multimedia Centre organizes the project "Support to the development of online media" and "Online Media" contest in September.

The aim of the project is to support the development of infrastructure in the country, to increase professional performance in the field of online media, to improve access to information through new media in terms of quality and quantity.

The contest to be held in the nomination of "Best civil journalist" in Twitter.

Online Media Contest winners and "Best Folk Journalist 'competition will be awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.

Note that the project is supported by the Ministry of Communications and High Technology, Nar Mobile and SINAM.


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