Panasonic introduced the training "smart flashlight" August 01, 2019 | 02:34 / Technological innovations

Panasonic has announced a PA! GO smart learning toy that helps children explore the world around them. It looks like a flashlight with two buttons. When the child hovers PA! GO on the object of interest and presses the first key, the device will take a picture, recognize the object and read the short description through the built-in speaker.

If the preschooler wants to learn more, he can click on the second button, and then PA! GO will contact the Google Knowledge Graph knowledge base and provide more information. About this Vesti.Hi-tech reported in the press service of Panasonic.

PA! GO can be used anywhere, and when they come home, children can share their findings with family and friends. There, using the Chromecast feature "smart flashlight" will be able to display on the big screen all the plants, animals, insects and other objects that the child met during the day - along with descriptions, related topics and suitable educational videos in the children's version of YouTube Kids.

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