Russian robot astronaut taught to speak July 23, 2019 | 12:00 / Interesting information

Roskosmos does not leave the idea to send the Fedor robot to the International Space Station (ISS). He was even added the functions of a voice assistant so that he could talk to astronauts.
Now the robot is being tested before the flight to the ISS. In particular, experts prepare it for reproduction and perception of human speech. The robot, by the way, changed the name. Now he is not “Fedor”, but Skybot F-850.

The Fyodor-Skybot flight is to take place on August 22 on the Soyuz MS-14 unmanned spacecraft. It will be delivered immediately to the Russian segment of the ISS, where the robot will perform several tasks.

The humanoid robot was developed by the Advanced Research Foundation in cooperation with the Android Technological Association. At first he was supposed to be a lifeguard, but rather quickly grew professionally to a potential astronaut.

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