In Japan, traffic lights will teach to transmit signals 5G June 18, 2019 | 11:00 / Interesting information

In Japan, it is planned to equip traffic lights with special equipment for transmitting 5G mobile signals, according to the Japanese television channel NHK.

The government announced a program to accelerate the deployment of 5G mobile networks. It is planned that the new generation of communication will be available in Japan from 2020.

The difficulty lies in the fact that for the implementation of such a task requires a lot more antenna installations than is currently available. To solve the problem, the authorities intend to install special equipment for 200 thousand traffic lights throughout Japan, which will allow for the quicker introduction of 5G and significantly reduce costs. In addition, at traffic lights it is planned to install sensors that record the traffic conditions on the roads in order to simplify the movement of unmanned vehicles. s

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