China Wants to Build the First Power Station in Space February 20, 2019 | 11:20 / Interesting information

China is going to launch the first test solar power plant into Earth orbit by 2025. This is stated on the website of The Sydney Morning Herald.

The collected solar energy will be transmitted to Earth via a microwave or laser beam. The apparatus will accumulate energy at a time when cloudy weather will stand over the Earth, and transmit it during clear. At the same time it will constantly come into contact with solar energy.

If the test facility will work successfully, China will launch full-fledged power plants into near-earth orbit by 2050. Parts of these power stations can be imprinted directly in orbit by a 3D printer. This will greatly reduce the cost of the entire project, as it will reduce the weight put into orbit.

About the budget of the project and its technical characteristics yet nothing is known.

Earlier, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) published a video of the landing of research vehicles from the Chang’e-4 spacecraft on the far side of the moon.

In 2018, Russia made 16 orbital launches, of which one ended in failure. China became the leader of the sphere by launching 36 spacecraft into orbit, with the United States with 30 successful orbital launches in second place.

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