China has tested the world's first unmanned 5G buses February 11, 2019 | 03:00 / Interesting information

In the Chinese city of Chongqing, the first tests of unmanned passenger buses operating through a 5G network have passed.

The unmanned bus, developed by China Mobile, Huawei, EasyMile and scientists from the Southeastern University of China, is designed for 12 passengers. It can travel at speeds of up to 20 km / h on public roads in China.

The technical characteristics of the new buses have not yet been disclosed, as well as the reasons why the developers decided to embed 5G in them. Today there are several dozens of companies involved in unmanned vehicles in the world - as a rule, they use conventional communication and data transfer systems from lidars and to operator centers.

Earlier it became known that the Chinese government plans to fully cover the center of Beijing in the Second Ring Road by 2022. Also, all airports and infrastructure complexes participating in the Olympics of 2022 will be connected to the 5G network.

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