Scientists have created a mobile application to improve the brain January 24, 2019 | 10:34 / Technological innovations

The mobile application Decoder, created by scientists from the UK, allows you to increase the ability to concentrate and fight the common attention deficit disorder in our day. A press release dedicated to the unique software appeared on the EurekAlert! Portal.

One of the key causes of attention problems is, as scientists believe, the popularity of instant messengers and social networks, which constantly distract smartphone owners with an endless stream of notifications.

"Modern young people are forced to do several things at once, and this does not affect well the ability to concentrate. Add stress, poor quality sleep at night, jet lag, and other negative factors, and you get a whole attention deficit disorder," say the authors of the application, employees of the University of Cambridge.

Scientists have tested their software to improve the work of the brain on seven dozen volunteers, who, as often happens in such studies, were divided into three groups.

"Volunteers from one group played Decoder, members of another group played another mobile application, and control group members did not use any such applications. After a month of preparation, we experienced volunteer abilities with a special test that showed that Decoder really helps to overcome attention deficit "- say the creators of the software.

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