North introduced smart glasses with a built-in projector October 24, 2018 | 02:50 / Technological innovations

The concept of "smart" points, first embodied by Google several years ago, has not been seriously developed, contrary to the expectations of some. Google itself refused to release the consumer version of Glass glasses, retaining only the version for professionals, and Intel stopped developing Vaunt smart glasses, the prototype of which was demonstrated in February of this year.

Now the American company North decided to try its hand at this field, which introduced smart glasses called Focals. Outwardly, they are almost no different from ordinary glasses, and to display information they use a small projector built into the handle that reflects the images from the glasses and projects them directly onto the iris, thereby creating a hologram effect.

Smart glasses have a rather modest functionality. With the help, you can view notifications, calendar entries, weather forecast and directions when driving along the route. In addition, the glasses support Alexa voice assistant. To control the points, the developers suggest using the joystick ring, which is included in the package. 

Currently, Focals glasses are available for pre-order on the company's website for $ 999. The delivery of glasses in a rectangular frame is scheduled for December, and a model in a circular frame should be released early next year. 


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