Investigations on gesture informatics will be conducted April 16, 2018 | 10:30 / Conferences, assemblies

In the current year, at the Training-Innovation Center of the Institute it is considered to explore the scientific-theoretical problems of information technologies and information society and to conduct research on various topics in the development of effective methods.

At the next meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the action plan of TIC for 2018 was discussed. Head of the Center, Rasmiyye Mahmudova informed about the research works to be carried out this year. She said that this year it is planned to conduct research on the directions, targets and technologies of gesture informatics, analysis of integration of intellectual game technologies into the teaching of informatics.

R.Mahmudova said that in 2018, studies on the history, development directions and problems of gesture language, as well as methods of recognition of dactyl gestures, analysis and synthesis of its facial expressions in various emotional states will be investigated.

According to the reporter, the development of proposals for solving certain problems in the teaching of informatics by using educational games, intellectual tests, and analysis of the pedagogical and psychological aspects of integration of intellectual games into the teaching of informatics are among the things to be done this year.

The head of the TIC also noted the work to be done in the Center during the scientific and innovation activities. She informed about the teaching subject of "Informatics" to PhD students and the issues related to the admission of examinations, distance learning and exams, as well as the organization of lessons and exams for masters at the ANAS.

She also said that in 2018, events will be held in regarding the Olympiad in Informatics among high school students, as well as organization and certification of IT courses for employees and organizations and ordinary citizens will be carried out.

Rasmiyya Mahmudova noted that in the current year a number of measures will be implemented within the framework of the "State Program for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2016-2020."

Also,she informed about the measures to be taken the department’s scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, participation in scientific-technical conferences, publication of scientific articles in the international and republican Journals recommended by the High Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, preparation of various electronic publications, promotion of the results in mass media .

At the end, a detailed exchange of views on the action plan was made. Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev made recommendations on the department's plan, gave instructions on further strengthening of scientific and scientific-innovation activity of the Center.

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