Epson introduced a virtual quadrocopter November 07, 2017 | 02:04 / Interesting information

Japanese company Epson announced the launch of a virtual simulator, which allows you to sharpen the skill in the management of quadcopters.

As reports, the device is a smart-glasses, allowing using the technology of augmented reality to manage the virtual quadrocopter DJI's Mavic Pro, while using the console.

Поведение виртуального квадрокоптера полностью соответствует реальным параметрам модели-прототипа. Программа предлагает как режим свободного полёта, так и мини-игры, направленные на выполнение заданий разной сложности.

Quadrocopters are increasingly entering the life of man. For example, Earlier Layf reported on the project of a passenger copter, which can go on sale already next year.

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