It was possible to interfere with the computer with the help of DNA For the first time August 14, 2017 | 11:43 / Interesting information

For the first time, a team of academics working at Washington's Washington University managed to infect computer-assisted software with the help of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

According to the “ICT news” e-News Service, scientists have interfered with the popular open-source popular program, which was used during the sequence so that it could be executed under certain conditions.

Filling a memory is a type of popular space that allows you to execute an arbitrary code on your computer. Patients who have been able to write to the DNA molecule have access to a computer that analyzes DNA.

Scientists have said that the practice of detection of the type of attack is still unlikely for a few reasons. But thanks to such extremely hazardous hackers, hackers can gain access to confidential information in the future, or even modify DNA verification information within a variety of researchers.

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