Zuckerberg slams musk’s “Doomsday” attitude July 27, 2017 | 04:40 / Interesting information

American billionaire and founder of SpaceX company Elon Mask, also known as the ideological inspirer of Tesla, is sure that the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies will sooner or later lead to the collapse of mankind. He does not agree with the head of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, who considers such confidence irresponsible.

Zuckerberg was asked what he thought about the statements of the Mask of the End of the World, which would be provoked by artificial intelligence, planet-today.ru reports. The founder of Facebook replied that he was building extremely optimistic forecasts regarding the development of AI. "Silicon brain" will bring humanity only benefit - said Zuckerberg. A Mask and such as he only increases the degree of ignorance in society, making such statements.
It should be noted that algorithms that are traditionally called "artificial intelligence" in the press are narrowly specialized solutions based on neural networks that generally copy the principles of the human brain work, but are very far from being the same AI, about Which the science fiction writers wrote. So there's nothing to worry about so far - in general people do not even know how to create a real AI.

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