Electronic bracelet translating the sign language into text developed September 28, 2016 | 09:20 / Interesting information

The Project uSeeBand won the II Hackathon "Equal Technology opportunities", organized in Moscow in April 2016 "Greenhouses of Social Technologies".

uSeeBand is designed for the people with limited hearing and sight and enables them to communicate with the people who do not know sign language. It facilitates the communication for people with speech impairments, the system translates the gestures of the ductile alphabet into the text and displays it on the smartphone or tablet in real time.

The device is mounted on the inside of the palm and with the help of built-in sensors it detects the gestures - 32 letters of the ductile alphabet. The data is processed by the neural network and displayed on the smartphone in the form of words and sentences. Bracelet-translator can work up to 12 hours without recharging, and has the Bluetooth-module to communicate with an application based on Android.


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