Experimental app brings smart home controls into augmented reality with HoloLens July 25, 2016 | 10:00 / Interesting information

As part of Microsoft's HoloLens hackathon held in San Francisco, one developer took on the task of creating a way to control your smart home devices in augmented reality. Called IoTxMR, the proof of concept application allows the user to simply look at a smart home device and control it using gestures. You can see the fruits of the project in the video below. 

As shown in the video, not only does the application allow you to control devices and connect them together in unique ways, but it also includes what developer Ian Sterling calls a "virtual zen mode" that fills the space around you with calming light orbs and audio tones.

While only a proof of concept, IoTxMR is a pretty awesome look at the possibilities that AR platforms like HoloLens offer up for the future.


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