Chinese company builds a Modular Home in Just 3 Hours

28 Jule 2015 - 14:13 | Interesting information
Chinese company builds a  Modular Home in Just 3 Hours

he word modular kitchen is quite commonly used  for kitchen fittings, in other words Modular kitchen is a set of all compartments (Drawers, cabinets, racks, shelves, etc) which you can readily buy it & install at your kitchen. A Modular Kitchen makes it very easy for you to pick and choose the best option for you kitchen and once selected you do not have to worry to hire a carpenter to make it at your house. All you need to do it fix the different modules in its place and you have your kitchen ready. Now think how easy life would become if we could make a modular home, no more noisy construction sites, no more pollution. That is exactly what a Chinese companyZhuoDa group showcased at the International Exhibition Center Plaza in Weihai city.